Friday, November 25, 2011

Cameroon Ecotourism

Cameroon is characterized by a variety of ecosystems which offer her the possibility of developing her ecotourism.The ecosystem consist of the following:

  • Coastal and marine ecosystems for a major part made of mangrove swamps;multifaceted forests ecosystems made up of many national parks and reserves and which are fit for ecotourism(watching of animals, birds, and flora).In these ecosystems, there are also pygmieswho are the most ancient people of the forest with ways and customs peculiar to them.
  • Mountain ecosystems with a variety of wildlife, flora and populations are characterised by crater lakes and wonderful waterfalls.
  • The Steppes and Savannah ecosystems characterized by their ere numerous national parks rich in wildlife species, their “Yaeres” (regularly- flooded vast plains bodering the Logone River in the Far-Northh and the Benoue in the North).

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